What We Do

Te Aroha Noa Community Services is a multi-disciplinary organisation providing holistic and wrap-around services empowering people to reach their potential. 

We have a range of opportunities and support for whānau and individuals of all ages to engage with that are underpinned by strengths-based mana-enhancing practice.  These include social services, education programmes, health services and community development.

Check out our team pages for more information about what we do.

He Ngākau Ora – The Nourishing Space

He Ngākau Ora is a large scale redevelopment project which Te Aroha Noa is in the advanced stages of planning.  Looking ahead to building a sustainable future for not only Te Aroha Noa but for the community in the south western suburbs of Palmerston North, we recognise that in order to increase health, skills and resilience we need to extend our mahi that we are passionate about, creating a space that further develops and models health and wellbeing, and acts as a doorway to enable people to participate in a wide range of services that build a stronger, resilient community with a vibrant and positive identity.

In both a physical and operational sense, the multitude of possibilities for individuals, whānau, local organisations and the wider community are realistically ambitious.

Service providers and local groups will be able to use the space to connect and meet with people from the community, the community itself will have a space to celebrate occasions and events.  It will be a place where people can gather for kai, share or learn skills, access information, technology physical resources, and enable connections and exploration.  We are committed to continually listening to the community’s suggestions.

He Ngākau Ora is a place where people can come together as whānau, friends and community.

He aha te mea nui o te ao
He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata
What is the most important thing in the world?
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people