Talofa lava and kia ora,
He Ngākau Rangatahi (HNR) is a programme established for young men and women who have disengaged from mainstream education systems. The purpose of HNR is to grow well-equipped youth who have the tools to reach their potential and overcome challenges positively.
He Ngākau Rangatahi is a stepping stone to move into further learning and growth. We provide individual learning plans to cater for the needs of each young person, with the support of our Learning Advisor. The young people that we work with are the centre of our practice. We work together to strengthen positive relationships, unleash their passion and to open up opportunities for our young men and women. Our team is committed to mentoring and supporting our young people to be positive contributors to their own lives, whānau environments and to their community.
The programme is available to young people from 13-17 years of age and runs Tuesday-Thursday from 8:30am-2:30pm. Our programme includes group work, one-on-one sessions, sharing of kai, workshops, guest speakers, trips off-site and outdoor recreation.
How to Get in Touch
Randy Liuvaie
Kaiwhakahaere o He Ngākau Rangatahi
Cell phone: 022 581 7431
Email: randy@tearohanoa.org.nz